像看《万相之王》一样《善良的嫂子3》对我而言有些太好了好到难以承受 Not a good doctor, but good doctors. 低开高走前几集用韩式回忆杀铺垫实在太懒散了就在快要崩溃时后面的剧情设计与人物形象的发展真是越发精细两三线并行却不觉得臃肿情节密度很高 我最满意的一点是Shaun并不是一个十全十美拥有主角光环的人他也会犯错又色又爽又高潮免费视频观看也有偏见就像剧中其他角色一样也需要努力成长自闭症天才在影视剧中的泛滥会对现实生活造成困扰这对那些并没有学者症候群的来自星星的孩子是不公平的但本片对这一点处理得很谨慎 Shaun就像是为海默量身定制一般 他在采访时说“处在一个充斥着消极的时代悲观的情绪每天都很容易产生有像Shaun这样积极乐观的人在身边这感觉很好" Thank you, doctors. I've learnt a lot.
ok i hate the musical episode like it makes no sense and everything is just so awkward!! i also don’t get how the black hood is bettys dad like what is his motive in threatening his daughter into being a criminal. i’m pretty sure all the parents want the best for their children but this is riverdale and everything is so out of the normal line.